Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blog Revamp! Welcome to a New Year!

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to another lovely academic year! I am happy to report that this is my fourth and final year of college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison! YAY! With that being said, I am pumped that fall is just around the corner! Autumn in Wisconsin is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to spend time enjoying it!

So as you have probably gathered, I am taking this blog in a new direction. I originally launched my blog to share information about UW-Madison's student government and the work of the various organizations with which I was involved. I think my blog was helpful and showed many campus leaders the necessity of providing timely updates on their work (just look at how many ASM leaders have Twitters!), but I have decided that I no longer want to write solely on these issues. Of course, I may occassionally still post about campus issues or UW happenings, but it won't be the sole objective of the blog anymore.

So what am I going to write about now? Just about anything! Though most people will only find this new format moderately interesting, those of you who know me or appreciate healthy doses of sarcasm will find it pretty amusing.

After spending the past several months reflecting on my life and the world around me, I am struck by the amount of negativity that exists. As I have said time and time again, I am a certainly a realist who often sees the glass as half empty versus half full, but even I am exhausted by the negativity that we all have come to accept as normal. I think this new direction will allow this blog to include more positive thoughts. Just like life, my blog won't be all gumdrops and sunshine, but it will be real. So do expect humor, sarcasm, reality checks, and awkward moment recaps, just like my real life.

Happy reading!

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