Sunday, June 6, 2010

So this is life?

Don't get me wrong-- I am thrilled that I graduated college with two degrees and one certificate from UW-Madison. I can't even count the number of times I wanted to drop out and actually almost printed the withdrawal forms. College kicked my ass, but it is nothing like the real world (at least this is what I am slowly learning in the weeks following graduation).

My parents have prepared me far better for life post-graduation than college. Never once in college did anyone tell me about renter's insurance, applying for jobs for which I am over-qualified for, the necessity in learning to cook, or the month-long depression/hibernation that follows college graduation. Nope, none of it. Instead, I have spent the three weeks following my graduation trying to figure it all out by myself without losing my sanity.

There really should be a place that you can go and access the mess of information necessary to function as a new "adult." There also should be a place where you can go and vent, ponder, and cry about the craziness that has now become your life. Hence, the recreation of my blog! So please comment and share your own experiences!

So time for today's discussion: Packing without actually having somewhere to move.

My lease is up on June 30, so logically, I need to find a new place to move into in the new city I am moving to before June 30. Well, I have been apartment hunting and found an apartment that is within my budget, meets the minimum requirements I have for a place to live, and is in the city I am moving to. Issue? I don't have a job with a "verifiable" income. I do own my own business, but I am still growing it to a point where I am making enough income to live-on. So, now comes to story about getting jerked around...

As I neared graduation, I was working to grow my business, but had two (what I thought) back-up jobs in mind. The first would be returning to the company I temped/interned at for three summers and the second was getting placed through the temp agency I worked for three summers. Long-story short, I applied for a job I knew I was not really qualified for at the first company (after being urged to by three+ employees of the company), only to be told by their HR department that I was not qualified and that they wanted someone with experience. They said I could put in for an entry-level job that requires a high school diploma and involves doing work that I, at this time, do not understand. Fine, I applied. I then went to my back-up plan at the temp agency and was told by my contact that she would see where they could place me. Three days went by. I called back to talk to her and was told that she was on vacation for a week-- good thing she mentioned this before leaving... NOT! Anyway, the guy who answered checked the status of my file and said they had no clerical openings. Fabulous.

This double-blow of insanity led to me calling six more temp agencies in my area looking for placements. Five said they did not have any clerical openings and one (who I had a negative experience with several years ago), offered a slight glimmer of hope. They took my new resume and had me complete several assessment tests online and will be following up with me this week. FINGERS CROSSED! I plan on calling them on Monday to see if they received my assessments and see if they can meet with me on Monday to place me... PLEASE LET THIS WORK! If they are able to place me, I can go back to the apartment I want and submit my application! The lady who manages the property said they would have the apartment I want available by the end of this week, WHICH MEANS I may be able to start moving this week! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Realizing there was nothing I could do this weekend to speed up this process, I began packing.  My logic?  If I am packed, I can begin moving IMMEDIATELY into my new apartment.  Minimum, I will be moving even more stuff to my already crowded room at my parents' house pending my move to my new apartment.  Creative procrastination?  Maybe.  Sanity protection?  Oh yeah!

Other noteworthy news: the twitch in my left eyebrow has come back this morning.  Welcome back my tell-tale sign of stress!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Road Work Ahead

John (my boyfriend) and I are driving to his hometown to move him back for the summer. The air conditioner in my car is out and it is about 90 degrees outside today. As part of the deal for me to help him move, he's driving so I get some time to hang out and play on my CrackBerry.

Let's be clear: I am not really that much of a tech geek, so the number of gadgets I have acquired these past couples weeks blows my mind! For graduation my parents got me a Flip camera and a TomTom GPS. Later that week I had to get my own phone plan, so I opted for a BlackBerry to aid me in developing my business. I can now take pics on my phone and email, text, or post them on Facebook. It is insane! My Flip camera inspired to make my own cooking show for the cooking challenged (like myself!). And my GPS helps me actually arrive on time to meetings and events. Amazing!

The down side of all of this is that I think I am getting addicted! Just like when I was 12 and started playing the Sims! I am trying to keep my addiction one that is helpful not harmful, but I'm sure my Facebook friends are growing tired of my Mobile Uploads album! (But that won't stop me from posting!)

Well I should stop staring this little screen and talk to John as he drives us 65 MPH with the windows down!

:) Chynna

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cleaning out the Closet

So after about two months in this apartment, I am getting ready to move again. Moving is one of my least favorite things and my most favorite things, simultaneously. I hate it for the obvious reasons: having to pack everything I own into boxes, then haul those boxes to my car, creatively stuff my car, then haul the boxes to a new apartment, and unpack everything I own.

I love moving because it gives me a chance to embrace my organizing dorkiness as I sort through everything. Though I am still finalizing where I am moving, the Moving Craze began today. I have done five loads of laundry and gone through all of my clothes.

This brings me to the point of this post: I have definitely gained weight over the four years I attended college. My pants span four sizes and my tops cover the range of women's, junior's, and even kid's clothes!

At some point, I think it was during my third year of school, I became very self-conscious of this weight gain, so I started trying to dress in order to disguise it. This would explain the variety of tops I own that could pass as maternity clothes! You know the type: gathers just under your breasts and has a free-flowing tummy portion that is very easily hiding a baby bump up until you're six months along. I had about 8 of these shirts. I wore maybe two of them and put the other five on in the morning, only to take them off for making me look pregnant. Hmm, go figure!

My "maternity" tops went in the giveaway bag, along with 11 pairs of blue jeans of various sizes. The best part of gaining weight pretty quickly and not being able to find clothes is that everything you give away is only gently used (if used at all)! :) Now my closet is less crowded and I have a couple bags of clothes to donate. Good day all around!

Now back to sorting through my belongings, then folding laundry (ick!) and doing dishes. I will be packed in no time! Just need to figure out where I am moving...

:) Chynna

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vote for Smile Empty Soul!


I love Smile Empty Soul and have been a huge fan of their's for years! Please vote for them and help them win artist of the year! Vote through this link because I am trying to win a trip to Vegas to meet them! lol :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Welcome to the Rat Race...

So I officially graduated yesterday! You can see the pic below of me and my bestie! :)

It was pretty amazing! I am happy to be done with school and finally able to get on with my life!

As a graduation gift, my parents got me a Flip camera, so I will be posting plenty of videos in the coming weeks that document my new adventures.

But the most poignant moment yesterday came while my family and I were eating at Cracker Barrel. Toward the end of the meal, the waitress came up to me and said "Welcome to the Rat Race!" I let it roll off me at the time, but I have been thinking about it all day.

In the shower this morning it all finally sunk in. I am done with school. I have graduated college. I am an adult. I am on my own. I need money (lol). I drew many lines in the sand these past few months as I proclaimed, "I will not do that!" Today I suddenly felt prepared to let go of my silly boundaries (I will obviously keep the legit boundaries) and start living as an adult.

I am in charge of my own life and where I am heading, which is terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.

I am now officially a part of the rat race, but as the waitress concluded her comment, "There are some bad parts, but there is mostly good. You'll be fine!"

:) Chynna

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm going to learn how to cook!

So, true confession: I can't cook...

I try to cook, but usually end up just reheating some frozen meal. My signature dish is meatball subs, but that really is reheating frozen meatballs and spaghetti sauce, then putting it all on a sub topped with mozzarella cheese. I try to make a couple casseroles, but they are never as good as my mom's.

Anyway, I am going to learn to cook. I bought Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution cookbook and am committed using it to teach myself how to cook.

I chose Jamie's book because I was impressed by his ABC television show about the Food Revolution and also by the book's description:
Cooking good food from scratch is a skill that can save you money, keep you healthy, and make you and your family and friends happy. What I've tried to do in this book is pick a whole load of meals that we all love to eat and break them down to make them as simple as possible. There are plenty of clear instructions and step-by-step pictures, so whether you're an accomplished cook or a complete beginner, you'll be able to enjoy cooking and achieve great results in the kitchen.

This book is inspired by all the people I've met who thought they could never and would never learn how to cook. I believe that good home cooking is one of the most essential, fundamental skills that every single person on this planet should have in order to look after themselves, their families, and their friends. This food revolution is all about people learning how to make a recipe, then teaching that recipe to their friends and family . . . if enough people do this, pretty soon everyone will be cooking. So cook something today, then PASS IT ON!

I went grocery shopping today to get the ball rolling and two hours later I returned home with *almost* all of my ingredients to make:
-Classic Tomato Spaghetti
-Broccoli and Pesto Tagliatelle
-Macaroni and Cauliflower Cheese Bake
-Crunchy Garlic Chicken

I still need to get a red chile and dried tagliatelle. Does anyone know where you get dried tagliatelle? I looked at Woodman's and couldn't find it.

I am very excited about this new adventure and appreciate of the brave souls (mostly my boyfriend) who will be testing my food. When possible, I will post pictures of the adventure. I will also post a review of each dish and maybe a review by anyone else who tried what I made.

Any recommendations for other recipes I should try?

:) Chynna