Sunday, May 2, 2010

Let's Get this Show on the Road!

So, after four long, grueling, crazy years, I am graduating May 16! Thursday, May 6 is my last day of classes and I am hoping to have ALL my papers and finals turned in at that point. I will then be D-O-N-E with college (probably forever). I can't wait!

I had a few days where I freaked out about the future and what comes next, but I realized that I just need to embrace the craziness that is ahead and enjoy the journey through it all. I still don't have an apartment lined up to move into after my lease is up June 30. I have a conference I am speaking at in June that I haven't registered for or bought plane tickets for (nor am I really sure what I am saying yet). And there's a thousand other things going on that need my attention, my money, or my time. I refuse to feel overwhelmed because I know that, one way or another, it's all going to come together.

I am ready to start living my "real" life! But before that can happen, I have seven papers totaling about 46 pages to write by Thursday.

I will post more when it's all done!

:) Chynna

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