Sunday, May 30, 2010

Road Work Ahead

John (my boyfriend) and I are driving to his hometown to move him back for the summer. The air conditioner in my car is out and it is about 90 degrees outside today. As part of the deal for me to help him move, he's driving so I get some time to hang out and play on my CrackBerry.

Let's be clear: I am not really that much of a tech geek, so the number of gadgets I have acquired these past couples weeks blows my mind! For graduation my parents got me a Flip camera and a TomTom GPS. Later that week I had to get my own phone plan, so I opted for a BlackBerry to aid me in developing my business. I can now take pics on my phone and email, text, or post them on Facebook. It is insane! My Flip camera inspired to make my own cooking show for the cooking challenged (like myself!). And my GPS helps me actually arrive on time to meetings and events. Amazing!

The down side of all of this is that I think I am getting addicted! Just like when I was 12 and started playing the Sims! I am trying to keep my addiction one that is helpful not harmful, but I'm sure my Facebook friends are growing tired of my Mobile Uploads album! (But that won't stop me from posting!)

Well I should stop staring this little screen and talk to John as he drives us 65 MPH with the windows down!

:) Chynna

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