Monday, May 17, 2010

Welcome to the Rat Race...

So I officially graduated yesterday! You can see the pic below of me and my bestie! :)

It was pretty amazing! I am happy to be done with school and finally able to get on with my life!

As a graduation gift, my parents got me a Flip camera, so I will be posting plenty of videos in the coming weeks that document my new adventures.

But the most poignant moment yesterday came while my family and I were eating at Cracker Barrel. Toward the end of the meal, the waitress came up to me and said "Welcome to the Rat Race!" I let it roll off me at the time, but I have been thinking about it all day.

In the shower this morning it all finally sunk in. I am done with school. I have graduated college. I am an adult. I am on my own. I need money (lol). I drew many lines in the sand these past few months as I proclaimed, "I will not do that!" Today I suddenly felt prepared to let go of my silly boundaries (I will obviously keep the legit boundaries) and start living as an adult.

I am in charge of my own life and where I am heading, which is terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.

I am now officially a part of the rat race, but as the waitress concluded her comment, "There are some bad parts, but there is mostly good. You'll be fine!"

:) Chynna

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